Ideas for Webbuilding

12 Feb 2006
Im just looking for ideas for a website theme to base my very first website on. i have been learing html for a while now, and am going onto php and css soon so i think its time for me to just build something so i can put my new skills to the test.

i am bascially looking for any ideas, ideas tha will require basic html skills and further to be used, so i can get used to html etc.

thanks for any advice
what about your own blog. you could code it up using html, css, php and mysql. that'll give you something to get your teeth into perhaps?
Blog is short for weblog. A meandering, blatantly uninteresting online diary that gives the author the illusion that people are interested in their stupid, pathetic life. Consists of such riveting entries as "homework sucks" and "I slept until noon today."
hmmm... im not really liking the idea of a blog but i guess i can give it a go if no one comes up with something better. It will improve my skills but i feel i wont be too interested in making it good, as it will be about me.
Topgun said:
Blog is short for weblog. A meandering, blatantly uninteresting online diary that gives the author the illusion that people are interested in their stupid, pathetic life. Consists of such riveting entries as "homework sucks" and "I slept until noon today."
Well, yes, if the author is very emo (which I admit, many are) :confused:

There are actually some very interesting blogs out there though, believe it or not. roblog is an example, as well as a couple of blogs on gaming and computer security that one of my friends maintains, which are always interesting to read. The Daily WTF is another good blog.

Think before you post ;)
Topgun said:
Blog is short for weblog. A meandering, blatantly uninteresting online diary that gives the author the illusion that people are interested in their stupid, pathetic life. Consists of such riveting entries as "homework sucks" and "I slept until noon today."

good summary.
addy_010 said:
so no ideas other then a blog?
What are your interests? Music, film, sport...? Music recommendation site, your DVD collection site, sports fixture listings... the possibilities are endless.
Augmented said:
What are your interests? Music, film, sport...? Music recommendation site, your DVD collection site, sports fixture listings... the possibilities are endless.

hmm DVD collection site sounds like a good idea. What could i do to use and improve basic html and basic php to medium skills?
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