Ideas please

15 Mar 2005
I am everywhere...
I just activated my 24meg internet conections, please suggest things i can do to keep me entertained.

At the moment i intend to download music, check email, play psp and obviously be prolific as usual in here with my threads........erm what else?
Kerplunk said:
I think one of those 'might' be illegal ?

Nice contribution to the thread? Which one do you think may be illegal 'cause I cant see one. If you think music...iTunes download?

Get some demos and pr0n
Try hacking the NSA's main computer ?

I have just read Digital Fortress and that might be a laugh with a high speed line.

Please don't blame you when you are killed with a poison dart. I am only making a comical suggestion. ;)
Nathan said:
Nice contribution to the thread? Which one do you think may be illegal 'cause I cant see one. If you think music...iTunes download?

Get some demos and pr0n

Limewire music downloads :\ ?
Ok guys one question, just got the psp connected to the wireless point, downloaded an upgrade but when im in the browser, the screen is just blank! any ideas?
Download the internet.

Actually, you just need to download the updates, as Feek has done all the hard work.

Send him an email, and he can lend you a few floppies.
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