identical WU's

31 May 2006
West London
Not only did my workstation not download and new wu's over the weekend
but when it did, on start up this morning the two were identical :eek:

Must have been because they both asked for WU at exactly same time - glade I spotted this - as they would both take 5day at 50% on my HT workstation :o and I would have only got credit for one :(

Launch directory: C:\folding@home3
Service: C:\folding@home3\FAH504-Console.exe
Arguments: -svcstart

Launched as a service.
Entered C:\folding@home3 to do work.

[09:44:55] - Ask before connecting: No
[09:44:55] - Use IE connection settings: Yes
[09:44:55] - User name: lemonman (Team 10)
[09:44:55] - User ID: 58E35C6B5FC23754
[09:44:55] - Machine ID: 1
[09:44:56] Loaded queue successfully.
[09:44:56] + Benchmarking ...
[09:44:59] - Preparing to get new work unit...
[09:44:59] + Attempting to get work packet
[09:44:59] - Connecting to assignment server
[09:44:59] - Successful: assigned to (
[09:44:59] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[09:45:00] Loaded queue successfully.
[09:45:02] + Closed connections
[09:45:02] + Processing work unit
[09:45:02] Core required: FahCore_78.exe
[09:45:02] Core found.
[09:45:02] Working on Unit 04 [November 27 09:45:02]
[09:45:02] + Working ...
[09:45:02] *------------------------------*
[09:45:02] Folding@Home Gromacs Core
[09:45:02] Version 1.90 (March 8, 2006)
[09:45:02] Preparing to commence simulation
[09:45:02] - Looking at optimizations...
[09:45:02] - Created dyn
[09:45:02] - Files status OK
[09:45:02] - Expanded 78798 -> 420497 (decompressed 533.6 percent)
[09:45:02] - Starting from initial work packet
[09:45:02] Project: 2125 (Run 62, Clone 56, Gen 1)
[09:45:02] Assembly optimizations on if available.
[09:45:02] Entering M.D.
[09:45:09] Protein: p2125_lambda_5way_melt_4_10011
[09:45:09] Writing local files
[09:45:09] Using table 1
[09:45:09] Extra SSE boost OK.
[09:45:09] Writing local files
[09:45:09] Completed 0 out of 20000000 steps (0)
[10:20:17] Service stop request received.

Folding@Home Client Shutdown.


Launch directory: C:\folding@home4
Service: C:\folding@home4\FAH504-Console.exe
Arguments: -svcstart

Launched as a service.
Entered C:\folding@home4 to do work.

[09:44:55] - Ask before connecting: No
[09:44:55] - Use IE connection settings: Yes
[09:44:55] - User name: lemonman (Team 10)
[09:44:55] - User ID: 58E35C6B5FC23754
[09:44:55] - Machine ID: 2
[09:44:56] Loaded queue successfully.
[09:44:56] + Benchmarking ...
[09:44:59] - Preparing to get new work unit...
[09:44:59] + Attempting to get work packet
[09:44:59] - Connecting to assignment server
[09:44:59] - Successful: assigned to (
[09:44:59] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[09:45:00] Loaded queue successfully.
[09:45:02] + Closed connections
[09:45:02] + Processing work unit
[09:45:02] Core required: FahCore_78.exe
[09:45:02] Core found.
[09:45:02] Working on Unit 09 [November 27 09:45:02]
[09:45:02] + Working ...
[09:45:02] *------------------------------*
[09:45:02] Folding@Home Gromacs Core
[09:45:02] Version 1.90 (March 8, 2006)
[09:45:02] Preparing to commence simulation
[09:45:02] - Looking at optimizations...
[09:45:02] - Created dyn
[09:45:02] - Files status OK
[09:45:02] - Expanded 78798 -> 420497 (decompressed 533.6 percent)
[09:45:02] - Starting from initial work packet
[09:45:02] Project: 2125 (Run 62, Clone 56, Gen 1)
[09:45:02] Assembly optimizations on if available.
[09:45:02] Entering M.D.
[09:45:09] Protein: p2125_lambda_5way_melt_4_10011
[09:45:09] Writing local files
[09:45:09] Using table 1
[09:45:09] Extra SSE boost OK.
[09:45:09] Writing local files
[09:45:09] Completed 0 out of 20000000 steps (0)
[10:23:45] Service stop request received.

Folding@Home Client Shutdown.
Berserker said:
Bah. Damn evil workunits. It's them things that have sent my PPD into the trash.

yep - killed them both, (yes I know it's bad for the science but wasn't going to risk no points for 5 day work) got a 996 (380ppd) and a 1809 (180ppd)

Edit: that said you both missed the point. THERE ARE THE SAME WU.
Not the same type of wu (which would suck) but the actual identical WU -
Look at the highlighted details - Run 62, Clone 56, Gen 1 .

Separate threads, separate folders, separate downloads but identical WU's variants. :eek:
Last edited:
rich99million said:
indeed - though these seem to have downloaded at the exact same time

it's certainly not meant to work like that, the server must have somehow got confused :confused:

Thank you rich - for a moment there I thought I was going mad.
But I fully agree with Vent above regarding EUE - the science needs it's answers afterall.
shadowscotland said:
Thank you rich - for a moment there I thought I was going mad.
But I fully agree with Vent above regarding EUE - the science needs it's answers afterall.
as far as I know the only time the exact same WU is sent out again is if it EUE'd or has gone past the preferred or final deadline

at least that's always been the case previously unless I missed something :o
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