Identify this thing

Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002

I suspected a queen wasp but I’m not sure. I’ve never seen a queen wasp lay on its back tripping balls. It got up and flew away after I tried to talk it into moving on.

Hornet? Buzzard?
I think it's an upside down horsefly. The six, coloured as they are, abdomen sections typifies it. I've just been cleaning out the cattle troughs and a few have gotten intimate with me, damned things ;)
It looks like they bite. I’ll employ a little more assertiveness when I ask the next one to move on.
So I’ve seen 5 of them, all laying on the ground on their back. I give them a nudge and they fly off pretty fast. I thought they were dying but they moved pretty quick to be on deaths door.
Horsefly. Seem to be out in force this year and have already fallen victim to two of them. Horrible little b'stards and their bites itch like mad.
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