I've got to clear a house that's full of old niknaks/trinkets/tat. There's a big stack of porcelain/china ornaments. I know nothing about this sort of stuff, so I don't know if it's worth 20p, or 20k. My nan collected it all over years of travelling. I imagine most of it's junk, but it would be good to find out in case it's worth something.
The only stuff I've been able to identify is a shelf of Lladro figurines. The rest is a complete mystery.
Any suggestion on how to identify what they are and whether they're worth anything? There's half a dozen boxes of the stuff, so it's not easy to just pop into a antiques shop and get them to have a look.
I'm tempted to just stick them all on eBay starting at 99p and see what happens, but boxing/shipping ~200 items is going to be a major pain+expense.
The only stuff I've been able to identify is a shelf of Lladro figurines. The rest is a complete mystery.
Any suggestion on how to identify what they are and whether they're worth anything? There's half a dozen boxes of the stuff, so it's not easy to just pop into a antiques shop and get them to have a look.
I'm tempted to just stick them all on eBay starting at 99p and see what happens, but boxing/shipping ~200 items is going to be a major pain+expense.