Argh, just spent the last few days struggling with iMovie '08 (what were Apple thinking/smoking?!) only to bin 3.5 days of work and revert to iMovie '06 HD.
I've now exported my movies and wish to burn it to a DVD, something which should be simple with iDVD. But no... it won't accept a widescreen movie exported from iMovie HD! It's recognising it as a 4:3 aspect and squashing it all up.
Having read up on the problem, it appears that you need Quicktime Pro to edit the movie files, adding a flag which says the file is widescreen?!
Either way I'm not amused - does anyone have any other idea or way to edit the flag in the files and change it to widescreen?
I've now exported my movies and wish to burn it to a DVD, something which should be simple with iDVD. But no... it won't accept a widescreen movie exported from iMovie HD! It's recognising it as a 4:3 aspect and squashing it all up.
Having read up on the problem, it appears that you need Quicktime Pro to edit the movie files, adding a flag which says the file is widescreen?!
Either way I'm not amused - does anyone have any other idea or way to edit the flag in the files and change it to widescreen?