IE 5.2 on the Mac

23 Oct 2003
Hampshire, UK
We have new Macs at college with OS X on them and they seem to have this browser too. Was it bundled in with OS X?

Its awful, I went to many sites and hardly any worked! My own one was ***** too.

How old is this browser? Is it as old as the PC equivalents IE 5.x?
m0rte said:
iirc MS stopped supporting mac IE a few months ago and suggested people stop using it and stick to the mac browser

Sweet, thats the kind of news I want to hear. :D
Thanks guys.
I wanted to make sure a prospective employer wouldnt be using it and would see my site in a broken state.
But it sounds like its unlikely :)

Augmented; thanks for the link, Ill check it out. :)
Moredhel said:
It's officially unsupported by both Apple and Microsoft and has been for over a year now. The only people who would still be using it are people so set in their ways they're still using OS 9.

it's wierd it must have been installed especially for these people who are set in their ways. :/
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