IE limiting height of div?

12 Aug 2004
Glasgow, Scotland
Hi there,

Trying to set a div with a height of 10px, and ofcourse as always IE has to bring up some problem. It seems 15px is the smallest height it will allow a div to be set as (via css) and if you try to set it to anything below it will always stay at 15 pixels.

Is there any way around this? I'm searching on the net but can only find things about the min-height function.

Thanks :)
hi again, sorry for the lack of information.

what i'm doing is i've got 3 divs in a row, one underneath the other. The middle holds the content and the other two (top & bottom) have no content but have a background image of a curve ... to create the effect of a curved box.

this effect has worked for me before when i was using 15px curves and settings the height of these divs, but when i try to set them to 10px this time IE does not want to set them below 14/15px.

I've included the code so you can get a better idea,

Thanks :)

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
		<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
		<meta name="description" content="" />
		<meta name="keywords" content="" />
		<title>Test Website</title>
		<style type="text/css">
			html, body
				margin: 0;
				padding: 0;
				font: normal 10pt verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;
				background: #ffffff;
				color: #000000;
				margin: 0;
				padding: 0;
				width: 100%;
				height: 37px;
				font: normal 10pt verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;
				background: #3386c2 url('graphics/topbg.jpg') repeat-x;
				color: #ffffff;
				margin: 100px auto;
				padding: 0;
				width: 700px;
				font: normal 10pt verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;
				background: #e9e9e9;
				color: #000000;
				margin: 0;
				padding: 0;
				width: 700px;
				height: 10px;
				background: #e9e9e9 url('graphics/curvetop.gif') no-repeat;
				color: #000000;
				margin: 0;
				padding: 0 10px 0 10px;
				width: 680px;
				background: #e9e9e9;
				color: #000000;
				margin: 0;
				padding: 0;
				width: 700px;
				height: 10px;
				background: #e9e9e9 url('graphics/curvebottom.gif') no-repeat;
				color: #000000;
			.noborder { border: 0; }
			.title { font: normal 14pt verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif; }

		<div id="header"><a href="" title="Test"><img src="graphics/logo.jpg" alt="Test" width="215px" height="37px" class="noborder" /></a></div>
		<div id="wrapper">
			<div id="content1">&nbsp;</div>
			<div id="content2">
                                           <p>Content inside box</p>
			<div id="content3">&nbsp;</div>
just an idea could be complete **** try using a 1px image instead of a &nbsp;

i *thikn* that will sort it

dont have any other ideas though

will watch the thread with interest :D
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This is probably to do with the line-height property. Because &nbsp; is effectively a character, you're forcing IE to use the default line-height which is over-ruling the smaller height property.

If you have a height value set, then you shouldn't need &nbsp; anyways.
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