IE woes.

31 Mar 2006
I've designed the following layout for a small business I plan on opening in the near future. Initially, I encountered a few problems regarding the layout being screwed up when the user resized their browser window. After slaving over this problem for a few hours, I eventually thought I'd fixed it, tested it with Safari, Konqueror, Firefox and Opera. But surprise, surprise: IE ****s it up. Basically, the navigation bar should be displayed as it is in every other browser except IE, which pushes it completely over to the left of the page.

If anyone could think of some kind of workaround which would eradicate this problem in IE, it'd be much appreciated. :)
site doesnt load for me in either browser :*(

btw try it out on a widescreen monitor aswell, my site im doing looks utter **** in WS!
You've used absolute positioning on your menu, that's why.

Use a regular float and margin to position it. That way it will stay in the centre in any resolution.
iCraig said:
You've used absolute positioning on your menu, that's why.
There's nothing wrong with using absolute positioning. It's working fine here.

The problem is that IE6 doesn't like what you're doing with the <body> element.

body { width: 600px; margin: 0 auto; }
and add that into div#content:
div#content {
	width: 600px;
	margin: 0 auto;
	background: #fff;
	border-left: 2px solid #fff;
	border-right: 2px solid #fff;
	margin-top: 35px;
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