IE7 Beta 2 - can't see tabs

18 Oct 2002
Thought I'd try IE7 for the few sites where I can't use Firefox.

Problem is, I can't see the tab toolbar.

I know I'm opening new tabs because it warns me about closing them all when I close IE but I can't see how to switch between them.

Any ideas? I presume I'm being daft.
ill probably get flamed for this, but there are extentions that allow you to open a site in a firefox tab using the IE engine and switch back and forths between both, its dead handy for this sort of thing:)
Indeed there are and I've tried the 2 most popular but neither works properly with the site I need to access for my work.

It's no great problem as I only need to get to it a few times a week.

Still confused by the missing tabs in IE7
addy_010 said:
cant view that site without a login

I can... :confused:

Anywho -

Bloke off that site said:
Uh.... I'm not sure if this is the problem, but did you try running "xmllitesetup.exe" from the IE7 setup folder?

Try running it, reboot, and tell us what happens.
chrismox said:
That did it - many thanks.

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