IEMs for £50 ~ £110

26 Jan 2005
Cheltenham, UK
Hi Guys,

I'm looking to buy some in ear canal headphones. I got a sony walkman phone 6 months ago with the supplied headphones which were great. However part of them fell into a drain when I was out :(.

So I'm looking to buy some really decent IEMs for £50 ~ £110. Basically I'm looking for something good that will last with really good sound.

The ultimate ears super fi 5 pros look good as do the shure range.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated

I got some Ultimate Ears 5 Pro EB's last week and they are great! I had a try of the normal 5 Pro's but they didnt have enough bass for my liking :)

What type of music do you listen to most?
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I listen to a vary wide range of music Rock, classical, RnB, Dance, Jazz, Acoustic etc. These headphones will also be for watching DVDs, videos, playing games etc.

So I'm after really good all rounder.

It would also be good if the IEMs were sturdy as they'd get quite a lot of use out and about
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If its for all round use then I would go for the 5 Pro's, you can even buy replacement lead's incase they break :)

Sorry I cant suggest any alternatives, I have only tried Etymotic ER6i's & the 5's (and the 5's blow the Etys out of the water)
Agree with the Super.Fi 5 Pro's. I've had mine since release and they've been flawless and given top quality sound all round, well until I bought an iplod touch with its poor audio anyway.

The cables can be removed and replaced and I've had to do that twice, whilst retaining the ear pieces. A well known UK retailer sells replacement leads so don't order them from the states like me lol. The 5's give a nice all round balance of sound I find, with a tad heavy bass. If you look around, you can get them dirt cheap. I paid £180 for mine :(
I've found the 5 pros for £110 is that a good deal?

Any opinions on the Shure se310s as I can get them for the same price?

Thanks for the feedback so far is really helpful

EDIT I've bitten the bullet after reading lots of popular reviews on the site I'm purchasing from. Now just have to wait and see what their like, hopefully won't be dissappointed
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Best IEM for under £150 - Clingfilm modded Sony EX90's.

They are almost as good as my Westone UM2's which are regarded as better than the superfi 5 pros!
Ultimate Ears Super.FI 5 Pros turned up today all I can say is wow, they are amazing I can hear parts of songs I couldn't hear before. On the downside the sound quality from my sony w810i phone appears to be pretty crap (couldn't tell with old headphones).

Does anyone have any recommendations for a good quality sound mp3 player?
jmhduck, what sort of capacity are you looking for? This will determine whether you get a flash-based PMP or one with a HDD. How much are you looking to spend and are there any particular features you're looking for?

By the way, I'm glad you're enjoying your new headphones. :)
I was going to get a pair of those, but I thought they looked to large to get a comfortable fit in my relatively small ears, so I opted for a pair of Atrio M5s instead.
any mp3 player with at least 4Gb of storage would be fine.

The IEMs do seem to be a bit uncomfortable after being in for a while is this normal? as you said mansize _tissue they do seem to be quite big (although I do have big ears).
I guess you could try some alternative tips for them, maybe that could help.

Sony PMPs are generally regarded as having a high-quality output, plus they're capable of playing .m4a files I believe (can anyone confirm)? However, I bought an 8GB iPod Nano instead because I had already used iTunes for years, the UI is simple and easy to use and I'm a fan of the device's design.

By the way, if you do require a PMP which can play .m4a files that rules out a lot of devices, just bear that in mind.
Ok thanks for that I'll check those both out.

I think I've realized why their uncomfortable I think I may have been trying to push them in to far, as they are not sealing quite correctly.

EDIT: correction manual does say how to remove tips, now I can't get the tips on. Any tips on how to install tips? xD
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Maybe have a look at IEms with custom ear mouldings.

Liverwires and the SuperFREQs are both aroung $250, so not a bad pprice with the exchange rate. Check over in *** headphone section at
I got some Ultimate Ears 5 Pro EB's last week and they are great! I had a try of the normal 5 Pro's but they didnt have enough bass for my liking :)

What type of music do you listen to most?

I have some too - i used to have some shure (can't remember the model now) ones before and they just don't come close to these headphones. But be warned, they aren't for the feint hearted! They pack some serious bass.
I find that the normal sf5s are good but the seal has to be good in the ear otherwise the bass isn't strong enough.
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