If anyones up for some Zombie Hoard CSS later...

4 Sep 2005
I've found a server that doesn't appear to have any regulars and is pretty much a private Zombie Hoard server.. So we could OcUK it and have some fun.

Just a suggestion if anyones up for it...

Whoops sorry, I've been AFOcUK :eek:

Thats the ip. Could we meet at say 11?

Damn none of you are online :p

Any other takers?
Its where there is loads of bots with like 500 hp and u have guns all over the floor, and basically u have to nuke them from orbit. ;)
Scythe said:
Its where there is loads of bots with like 500 hp and u have guns all over the floor, and basically u have to nuke them from orbit. ;)
interesting, I'll give it a go.

EDIT:grr @ steam updating <twiddles thumbs>

EDIT: OK steam hates me, it's just sitting at the 'updating' screen.

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Thats server doesnt have the nuke from orbit mod on, so no free weapons :( Hold on, will see if a mate of mine still has his, was a very good one.

Found one, testing now:
Seems a good one, not in it atm, downloading zombie-mod files on 512kbps aint nice. Will report back if its worth playing on.

by the way, this isnt my mates, its a random one, my mate has disappeared from the face of the earth apprently. All go to this server anyway.
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