session_start(); // starts the session first to avoid any header errors
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<title>Exercise 1</title>
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<h1>Grade point scale converter</h1>
// variables declared below
$grade = $_POST['grade'];
$selection = $_POST['selection'];
<!-- simple form to allow the user to select either undergraduate, hnd or masters -->
<form name="form1" method="post" action="<?php echo $PHP_SELF;?>">
<tr><td><input type="text" name="grade"></td>
<td><select name="selection">
<option value="undergraduate">Undergraduate</option>
<option value="hnd">HND</option>
<option value="masters">Masters</option>
<td><input type="submit" name="submit"></td>
// each line below has the code to determine what will happen when a user selects a value with either undergraduate, masters or hnd. If the first statement isn't true then elseif's are used for each alternate statement
if ($grade >= "70" && $selection == "undergraduate")
echo "Grade points: 13-15, First Class Honours";
elseif ($grade >= "60" && $grade <= "69" && $selection == "undergraduate")
echo "Grade points: 10-12, Upper Second Class Honours";
elseif ($grade >= "50" && $grade <= "59" && $selection == "undergraduate")
echo "Grade points: 7-9, Lower Second Class Honours";
elseif ($grade >= "40" && $grade <= "49" && $selection == "undergraduate")
echo "Grade points: 4-6, Third Class Honours";
elseif ($grade >= "0" && $grade <= "39" && $selection == "undergraduate")
echo "Grade points: 0-3, You have failed";
elseif ($grade >= "70" && $selection == "hnd")
echo "Grade points: 13-15, Distinction";
elseif ($grade >= "53" && $grade <= "69" && $selection == "hnd")
echo "Grade points: 8-12, Merit";
elseif ($grade >= "40" && $grade <= "52" && $selection == "hnd")
echo "Grade points: 4-7, Pass";
elseif ($grade >= "0" && $grade <= "39" && $selection == "hnd")
echo "Grade points: 1-3: You have failed";
elseif ($grade >= "70" && $selection == "masters")
echo "Grade points: 13-15, Distinction";
elseif ($grade >= "60" && $grade <= "69" && $selection == "masters")
echo "Grade points: 10-12, Pass With merit";
elseif ($grade >= "50" && $grade <= "59" && $selection == "masters")
echo "Grade points: 7-9, Pass";
elseif ($grade >= "40" && $grade <= "49" && $selection == "masters")
echo "Grade points: 4-6, Compensatable Failure";
elseif ($grade >= "0" && $grade <= "39" && $selection == "masters")
echo "Grade points 1-3, You have failed";