If we were told WW3 was about to start and we all had to man up?

It would be ok as long as we didn't have to do anything really difficult, like wearing a face mask and refraining from mixing in large groups or licking door handles.
:D I have just had this vision of millenials armed to the teeth with feathers and using pink pillows as armour.
I would sit back and laugh as the millenials take to Facebook with outrage and complain that war is against their human rights so its not allowed to happen.
I have developed an appropriate range of boxing stances and street styles, plus an armoured plated letterbox. There is also an aircraft carrier on standby loaded full of queen wasps.
Mid 40's ex-Military so I'd shrug and crack on with it whilst listening to a generation of infantilised adult-aged children gnash and wail that "they know their rights, you can't do this to me" on various SM.
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