If you could only watch films by one director who would you choose and why?

31 May 2009
Bit of a variation on the favourite film theme, but this time, you are stuck with only one director for the rest of your life to watch.
Who would it be and why?

I'd thought of Nolan, I'd thought of Villeneuve, away from Spielberg and Scorsese but I think I'd probably plump for Clint Eastwood, simply for the variation in what's he made over time, and the variances of the actors involved.
David Lynch. That was easy. During Lockdown I watched Blue Velvet about 20 times. Plus, I watch his youtube weather report and number draw every day as well, not even vaguely bored of it :) It's entirely down to how much a good bloke he is.
@Destination Can I add a curve ball - what if it was films by one director but only films that haven't been made yet? So you'd be choosing a director on future potential alone :)

Actually i had thought about that, and in it, Clint won't have much left in him, but Villeneuve might have, certainly liked his work thus far.
We can extend it to future potential.
Actually i had thought about that, and in it, Clint won't have much left in him, but Villeneuve might have, certainly liked his work thus far.
We can extend it to future potential.

I think Denis Villeneuve is definitely someone who's going to throw out more great content over the next decade or two, haven't been disappointed with anything he's done yet.

Nolan I think is on a downward trend and his best is behind him, would like to think that Fincher and Boyle maybe have something good to offer still.

In regards movies already completed, obvious contenders for me are Ridley Scott, Spielberg, Tarantino off top of my head.

Would likely go with Scott as he made Alien and although recent years he's been hit or miss, he's made some absolute classics across the years that appeal to me the most. Alien, Blade Runner, GI Jane, Gladiator, Black Hawk Down to name a few.
Spielberg is the obvious contender a long line of very good movies and some absolute gems.

On future potential maybe Edgar Wright Spaced, Cornetto, Baby Driver plus work on Scott Pilgrim and still quite young for a director. Potential for years to come.
David Lynch. That was easy. During Lockdown I watched Blue Velvet about 20 times. Plus, I watch his youtube weather report and number draw every day as well, not even vaguely bored of it :) It's entirely down to how much a good bloke he is.

Couldn't agree more. Lost count how many times I've watched Mulholland Drive over the years.

Season 3 of Twin Peaks is technically just an 18 hour movie, can I have that as well?
If I had to choose then I’d say Adam McKay. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think he’s the best director ever by a long shot but he’s made some very good films in different genres.
Aliens are Terminator 2 are my two favourite movies, so James Cameron.

But although some of the others he did are decent enough, I'd say outside of those two, nothing stands out.

Looking through the movies I like, seem like a broad spread of directors so can't really narrow any down.
Would have to be Spielberg, the list is to large. Jurassic Park, SPR, ET, Jaws, etc but it would be a close call with Zemeckis tbh.
Forrest gump, back to the future, contact, cast away. Some of which make my top ten, sadly though there's a better catalogue choosing Spielberg..

Each to their own though I can't understand how anyone could stand more than 5s of a David Lynch film, to me they are all total garbage
First thought was Denis Villeneuve.

Blade Runner 2049

His filmography is absolutely blinding. Those last 4 movies alone are among some of my favourites within the past decade or so, some even among my top 5 of all time.
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