If You Get a Job Offer How Long Can You Delay Acceptance?

24 Sep 2007
Hi Guys

If someone makes you a job offer, how long can you reasonably delay acceptance for? For instance, you could be waiting to hear back from another interview as well, so what can you say to the first company that makes you an offer?

Accept it anyway, it can take a week or two for the paperwork to come through, by then you should know and you can say you've found somewhere else. Until you've sent the paperwork back (and even then...) theres no legal binding. Your not employed until your through the day on day 1.
I'm in the same situation. I've been advised to accept and then if something better comes along to take that. Bridges will be permanently burnt I imagine though. This must happen for graduates all the time who apply to multiple jobs. It frustrates me how long they can take to get back to you after all of the hoops you've jumped through.
It's a bit rude tbh to accept the job and then backout later. When you accept the job, the company stops looking for a replacement and prepares for you.
Rude? Possibly, but this is business. You're burning your bridges with that company for sure, but you look after you - the company are big boys they can take it. Plus whats to say they've not already stopped looking for a replacement now that the offers out?
Accept it anyway

that is pretty dodgy and could, depending on the role, negatively affect your reputation in the industry

really OP ought to have let the other employer know about his other interview, not only does this increase his desirability, push them to make an offer(which they've made now anyway) and incentivises them to make him a bigger offer but it also means he doesn't have this supposed dilemma about what to do re: delaying them - he simply tells them he's got another interview and is waiting for their offer

frankly he could still tell them now - in fact he probably should and perhaps ought to also ask for more than they've initially offered too either now or after his other interview...

likewise, in the other interview, tell them that you've already got an offer!!!!!

When interviewing you want to have multiple offers and you want the people you're going to be interviewing and later negotiation with to know you've got multiple offers - it gives you the advantage
Approach job2 agent and say you have an offer and if they are interested to let you know within say 48hours. If they really are interested you will hear back - if not then you probably weren't going to get it anyway
Personally I don't accept until I've had a definite reply from all the companies. I agree there's something that just doesn't sit right with me about accepting if you've got no intention of going for that role. I know it's business, I know companies don't owe you anything, but why cause a stir unnecessarily?

I would however state to the other company that you have been offered a position and whether or not they have any intention of taking your application further. IF they want you, they'll speed things along, if not then at least you've got a job offer.
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