If you use V-power

29 Apr 2010
Hi, heads up

There are no more V-power deliveries after today for sites, the tankers have been transferred to help transporting the regular grades.

There is no ETA for when deliveries will resume.
Source? There has been so much scaremongering that it's hard to tell at the moment.

There is no public source, it was only announced to sites this afternoon, I am not trying to cause worry, I just know some forums members prefer that grade and will struggle as sites only replenish main grades.
HummuH1 said:
Does anyone know when deliveries will resume?

They resumed yesterday (10th) I did post earlier, you must have missed it.

rossk26 said:
When do you get sent the V Power Club Card?

You get sent tf after about 3months of mainly buying V-power. (150 litres per quarter is the actual min before it is sent to you)

rjkoneill said:
I only fill up with vpower and have a massive backlog of points.

Have you registered the card? You can't be sent rewards or V-power cards if they dont know your details.
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