If you're going to ride like an idiot...

24 Mar 2011
Don't film it on your own helmet cam.:rolleyes::p


A motorcyclist managed to help ban himself from the road by recording his own ‘dangerous driving’ using a helmet cam.

Police initially pulled him over after spotting him driving over 60mph in a 30mph zone after dark with no headlights.

When questioned, 20-year-old Lewis Shallcross, from Plymouth, claimed to think that the speed limit was 100mph.

The officers seized the man’s camera and found 6 minutes of footage of him doing wheelies in residential areas, speeding along bus lanes and almost hitting a dog.

The reckless rider’s barrister described him as a ‘hard-working young man’ who ‘clearly has got a lot of growing up to do’ but asked for him to keep his bike.

Mr Shallcross was disqualified from driving for 18 months and ordered to forfeit the high powered motorcycle and helmet cam.

He was additionally given a £60 victim surcharge and ordered to perform 250 hours of unpaid work.

60 in a 30 zone with no lights in the dark, and videoed his own 'dangerous driving'.

Stupid ****. :rolleyes:

Be careful out there those with helmet cams. :)
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