If you've driven your dream car(s), did it live up to expectations?

Man of Honour
25 Oct 2002
Given the aging demographic on this forum I imagine there's a fair few people that had gotten the opportunity to drive a car they used to lust after, either due to getting richer, doing a track day or whatever.
As a kid I was in awe of the F40, which I imagine a few on here have driven (iirc EyeDot had one).

So my question is, if you have got the chance to drive your own dream car (not an F40), did it live up to expectations? Or were you left with a sort of lingering disappointment having 'ticked the box' and found out that a decades old motor with no mod cons and perhaps even underwhelming performance/handling by modern standards isn't quite what you imagined it to be? An itch best left unscratched if you like?
edit: to clarify, it doesn't necessarily have to be a decades old car.

Doesn't have to be any single car, as probably some people had truly out of reach aspirations but also some others they waited a long time to experience.
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