Iframes in Internet Explorer

12 Jun 2003
Either Tonbridge or Biggin Hill
Evening all,
Is there any way of forcing IE to not display a border around an Iframe?

In my stylesheet, I've got the following:
    border: none;
    width: 755px;
    height: 390px;
Firefox handles it perfectly, while IE chooses to ignore it! :mad:
See http://anotheruseless.co.uk:82/body.htm for an example.

Any suggestions?
RandomTom said:
Why do you actually need an iframe there? Oh and the logo is shocking :(
Ignore the logo. And bear in mind this is a work-in-progress.

I need an Iframe (or some other method) to allow the viewer to scroll the content in the main window without scrolling the entire page if you see what I mean. So, I don't want the copyright statement to move, but I want more content than there is vertical space for in the middle.
Iframes aren't really a solution any more. The main arguments are that search engines have a hard time with them, and disabled users might not get on with them.

Get rid of the border by putting frameborder="0" in the html.
So I guess Iframes are yet another deprecated element :p

Hmm.. how can I acheive the same effect using an alternative method?
You can use css to (in certain browsers) keep the copyright bit at the bottom of the window, might look a bit rubbish though. I would just keep it static but visible at the bottom of each page.

Apparently copyright is assumed on websites, even without a notice. Theres a thread on it somewhere.
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