IGN Insiders capped downloads?

17 Oct 2002
Ive subscribed to IGN for 3 months to give it a try, ive tried downloading a couple of High Def movies off there and cant seem to get over 90kbs?

Is their Insider service capped?

Paul ...
Hmmm, I noticed the same thing, though if you download several movies at the same time you seem to get around 100 or so off each of them. I have a 10MB per second connection, so I would really like to get at least around 300 or so... having said that on the odd occasion I do seem to get 130 - 150...
It was just on 1 movie.

Then i tried downloading 2 movies and both seemed to be capped @ 90kbs.

I think its pretty discraceful when you sign up for whats supposed to be a high speed service and i cant get over 100kbs.

Paul ...
Thesnipergecko said:
It was just on 1 movie.

Then i tried downloading 2 movies and both seemed to be capped @ 90kbs.

I think its pretty discraceful when you sign up for whats supposed to be a high speed service and i cant get over 100kbs.

Paul ...
OT but get on MSN :mad:
I rarely get much faster that 70kb/s on IGN. Bit annoying.. but my 1Mbit connection can't go much faster anyway :D
I was gonna sign up with IGN until I realised, halfway through the sign-up process that they charged VAT on top of the subs fee. Something that Gamespot don't do.
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