Iiyama G-Master Red Eagle stand screws?

6 Jul 2012
Has anyone got the "Iiyama G-Master Red Eagle GB2560HSU-B1 24.5 1920x1080 144Hz 1ms TN FreeSync Widescreen LED Gaming Monitor" and can tell me what screws are needed to mount it to the stand? I had it wall mounted but now want to use the stand and can't find the right screws.

You lost the thumbscews for the base or wondering how you fit the panel to the stand? If the latter then it's a twist and turn job for the stand to fit the panel....

PAge 5 of manual says M4.
For the panel to attach to the stand. It looks like it's just screws. Weirdly I had m4 which fits the monitor threads but the steel plate in the stand is a fraction smaller. I've got 5 quids worth of amazon prime m4x12mm coming today so I hope they work.
Well maybe this will help someone else but it turns out there a little metal panels inside which had clearly not been stuck down as they should. Without them the screws have no thread. I realised when I heard something rattling around. Only found 3 of 4 but it should do. Means taking the monitor on and off the stand is likely to cause issues and leave you not being able to fix it back on.
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