Ikea pc box lolz

3 Jul 2008
My fabulous ship
so I'm not using my corsair 600t anymore, instead switching for a bigger rad (1 x 9 instead of (1 x 6) + (1 x 3)) as a result I needed a case to hold it.... I also wanted to blend in with my living room furniture so it doesn't stick out like a sore thumb....

I still need to wire up and need some more fittings before it's complete (on back order)


current mess :p :)

next post will have more picks and complete
Hehe plenty of radspace in that case :) , i was tempted to do something very similar once as im a kitchen fitter, i was planning on fitting it all on drawer rails so it would effectively be one big drawer and i could slide it out when i was messing with it. I might get around to it one day but too lazy atm.
This seems like a very elaborate set up for something that should be so simple... how may water blocks are in this setup? it looks awesome btw, but a smaller cupboard or potentially re-painting the inside of the case could allow you to look at some pretty bad ass lighting mods.
Love the concept! My wife would as well when I next build as I'm currently banished to a small 'office' aka cupboard about 1.1m wide by 1.5m deep for my set up!
so got a bit of a problem, I'm now getting post 00 message and CPU light is now red.... no post... uh ooooh......

I've had a google about and there are some possibilities:
1. The board is being shorted out somewhere
As it's an ikea box, I had to cut into the box a lill (make a small groove) for the gpu metal bracket to fit into, could this short out the mobo if it was touching?

2. CPU is dead
I haven't actually removed the CPU since the first time I put it in so this is very unlikely the problem

3. Mobo is dead
The mobo does have a slight bend to it, but I can't tell if this is enough to mess with the system

4. ram is dead
I noticed that not all the ram slots were in properly (out by a mm), I've since put them all in, but still no post.

I'm now going to have to drain the loop and test each part again... I hope the motherboard isn't dead......
yep, I have 1 slot of ram, the gpu and cpu in the mobo, and still getting the same error message.

I have taken out the cpu to check the pins and it is all fine.... i think it's the mobo because until now, the cpu hadn't been removed for 3 years.

where do I test from here? I am pretty sure it's not a short out, the mobo is on a wood base and raised from the screws like a normal pc... and even then, it's wood not metal.

I've done a full cmos clear - removing the battery and power... fired it up with just the cpu in and all same result... really strange
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Looking at the pic it looks like the Mobo is secured directly to the wood - I have always had issues if the board is not fixed to a motherboard tray - I suspect it needs to be earthed. When I have previously done similar stuff I found mounting the whole thing on a tray fixed all my issues.
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