ILL Realistic Horror game (UE5)

20 Oct 2002
Oxfordshire / Bucks
saw a trailer this a few weeks ago

not going to post due to how adult orientated it is, defiantly not for kids

its a Horror game that looks more realism , the whole movement of the characters makes it

coming 2021 / 2022
Just checked this out... That looks mint, I will probably end up getting that, me and the missus enjoy these kind of games
I can't be the only one who sees this as the standard "obviously not gameplay, but we're pretending it is" "trailer"?
I can see why you'd say that, as most game trailers nowadays do the same thing with scripted sequences that are approximations of the end product. Yes, it's obviously an "in engine" scene, but it looks completely choreographed/scripted to me.

If you go to the actual creator's youtube channel ( he describes this as one of "a bunch of concept trailers that showcase the story and the gameplay elements of the project." The creator is known for making real-time rendered FPS movies... and that's what this is.

While it may well obviously be running real time, "in engine", that doesn't mean much given movies are doing the same nowadays with Unreal to create their environments. The camera making unusually realistic/cinematic movements is a hallmark of completely scripted scene. Of course it makes it feel really cinematic as it moves as if the player is actually present and the viewport is reacting as such but that's also what gives it away so much; that just isn't quite as possible with a game as you might want to think it is. If that was truly the way the camera moved throughout the entire game, it'd feel weirdly on rails and end up being nauseating.
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