Illegal number plate in Switzerland - A big no no?

1 Dec 2006
Amsterdam, NL
My mate just warned me of changing my numberplate over before hitting Switzerland, or if possible, for the entire trip. This is all hypothetical by the way :rolleyes:

So, has anyone in Switzerland been pulled over for their plate or simply not risked it? I'm tempted to simply swap my plates over before going in... Or maybe even just admit defeat and put the dinner plate back on.
But but! Dinner plate :(

Lol, ok guys. Thanks for the input, it is indeed not worth the hassle at all. And I've heard many horror stories about their over the top law. Which is a shame as a large part of my trip is through Switzerland.

I'll slap a GB sticker on the back of the RH side pannier

Do you think the light stickers are 100% essential as well? I never bothered with any of this when I went over to Europe between Christmas and new years.
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