I'm a convert!

Adium for messaging, VLC for anything you don't want to play in iTunes, iSquint if you want to convert video files for putting onto your iPod/iPhone. Those (aside from Office 2008) are the main ones that I use.

Usually if you want to find an app for a specific function you can find it so do a bit of searching if something takes your fancy.
iWork '09 if you don't want MS Office 2008.
Perian + Flip4Mac for playing almost any media formats in QuickTime and VLC for any real obscure media formats.
Tweetie for Twitter
Adium (or Pidgeon) for IM

...and lots more depedning on what you want to do with the Mac!
There are loads of "must have apps" threads, but I'd recommend..

Perian (Allow Quicktime to play variety of codecs)
Flip4Mac (Allow Quicktime to play .WMVs)
Transmission (Torrent app)

There are loads more, but it depends what you want to do.. oh, and it's pointless me saying "Adobe Master Suite CS4" isn't it ;)
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