I'm an utter pansy...

18 Oct 2002
I can only play Condemned in short bursts!

Had it for a while and I'm only on the 4th Chapter! Its just so god damn creepy.

Done the 3rd chapter where your chasing the suspect through the Subway and just got a glipse of something falling from the ceiling and crawling into a vent!:eek:

Anyone else like this or is it just me? :o
Yup, its a 360 exclusive.

Sod playing this at night though. If I play Condemned its during the day with plenty of light :p

It makes excellent use of sound. You're walking along and then you can hear somebody running about or something move (I always stop and then frantically look around).

Or you get to an esculator then suddenly something cracks you in the back of the head and you go falling down (you never leave 3rd person mode).
Taken me around 2 weeks so far and I'm only on chapter 4 lol

I can't sit and play a single player game for hours from start to finish anyway. tend to play a level and then carry on a day or two later.

People complained that Kameo was a bit short but I've clocked up well over the 10 hours game time that people were complaining about.
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