I'm buying some OCZ vx4000 2nd hand

is utt ch5? as the rma guy ive been speaking to say it ch5 samsung and only reason for stop producing it was they was not making anough money back due to high chip prices :)

cm stacker:thumbs:
ASUS Extreme ATI RADEON x850 xt pe [560core/590mem o/c]
DFI lanparty ut Nf4 sli d:thumb:
2gb Ocz vx gold extreme pc 4000 at 254mhz @ 3.3v:yikes: :bow:
Amd 64 3000+ @ 254fsb @1.475v = 2269ghz about 3500ghz [pr]
Ocz powerstream 420watt all adjustable rails
3x 120gb hitachi's ides 2 raided on a raid card and one 40gb boot drive
bigwater se water cooling
nec 16x dvd rewriter
using onbourd realtek sound
cambridge soundworks 5.1 dtt 2200
19" iiyama crt
logitech mx 700
cherry keybourd
Reality|Bites said:
Winbond UTT and Winbond CH-5 are totally different IC's

Samsung? Do you mean the TCCD IC's

i thought the're the same but he did say when i ask what chip they used ch-5 and made from samsung :confused: he also said reason for using ch-5 is to allow for the high voltage the ddr vx use

im currently getting a pair replaced through their rma so at the min im only running 1gb of it and their new just bought and are very hard to find
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