im looking for a new pc

14 Jul 2011
Hello Folks.
Hope you all are well.

Been looking for a new system for the past few months but have never really got round to picking anything.

I've just had a little play with a custom gaming pc, Budget is around 1000-1150.,X(bHsm3+V+bHsn3+VubKDh3!7XbNrf3@)(bTjL3U*-

is this any good?

Ideally i would like to add water cooling to it but that option is not available so i guess i would have to ring up to ask for that.

I'm looking for any suggestions on improving it. or something totally different that is better value/longer living. , im all ears.


OcUK can built PC from exactly wanted components.
But zero sense to waste money into any waterpipes when that has already not so good longevity.

Six core will be low end starting level in couple years.
And with Intel's dead end platform that's not really ugpradable.
(consoles have seven cores dedicated exclusively for the games)

PSU is also mid level one and 550W isn't great for any update to higher end graphics card with their current power draws.
(though graphics card situation is historically bad)
650W one would be better for allowing upgrade to some higher end card.
Though at least it's not Kolink cheapo.

That's just huge no.
Old spinning rust is masochism for getting PC booted up.

And unless not knowing how to do it, would be better to skip Windows and install it yourself and buy license from web at more reasonable price for becoming Microsoft's unpaid alpha tester.
There would be lot better use for that £100.
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