I’m lost. Need triple screens for race rig, 144hz, slim bezel and VA/IPS.

26 Sep 2013
West End, Southampton
Why is there not a monitor out there that ticks all the boxes that doesn’t require me to be a flipping millionaire. Any recommendations guys? I need to keep it around 1k for the 3 screens. Monitors seem ridiculously overpriced for what you get these days. Id prefer VA or IPS, a 1080ti will be powering them so in think 1440p could be doable.
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In the same boat (though only after one screen), waiting until Black Friday to bite the bullet on a 144hz 2560x1440 IPS.
Market is pretty abysmal compared to TVs when you take into account the panel lottery.

For Prime Day earlier in the year, you could get an Acer XF271HUA for £360 ish, which ticks all your boxes, it's now £430. I'm hoping for similar price drops in Nov.
VR Headset? You could buy an oculus, Vive or WMR setup for way less than a triple monitor one these days and it would be way more immersive for racing.
Actually given the price of displays these days you could actually buy a VR headset for about the price of one monitor! I'd try that out first if I were you before spending a grand on a monitor setup unless you need it for work/etc.

You can always sell it if you decide VR isn't for you. I suspect you wont want to go back to flat screen racing afterwards though :cool:
You guys are absolutely right, but I don't think VR is gonna cut it for someone who really likes their visuals at maximum bling.

Then again, Pimax 5k/8k are up for pre-order soon and are looking pretty good from recent reports. Could be an option.
I would take immersion over bling every time :)

If you havent tried it see if you can find somewhere to give it go but just make sure its running properly, badly setup VR is enough to put people off for life.
Tony likes his graphics :D

Ooooooo, that's a bingo. :D:D

VR Headset? You could buy an oculus, Vive or WMR setup for way less than a triple monitor one these days and it would be way more immersive for racing.

I'm not impressed with VR just yet, I have tried it. Immersion is great but visually I'm totally meh with it, I need eye candy.

Will keep an eye on next gen and definitely the pimax stuff to see improvements.

Thanks for all your advice though.

When VR looks this good is when I'll jump on it

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Any of the MSI Optix monitors might be worth looking at...


None of these have G-Sync though, which you may want with a 1080Ti... but I don't think it's possible to do x3 G-Sync monitors under £1K. Even x2 would be pretty much on that amount. Don't expect prices to drop either... if anything, everything is only getting more costly!
@Legend Yeah those where the ones I've been looking at most to be fair. Been thinking 3 of these https://www.overclockers.co.uk/msi-...rved-widescreen-gaming-monitor-mo-008-ms.html and giving up on Gsync (I'mnot paying the extortionate G-Sync Nvidia tax) They always seem to be out of stock though. Needs to be 1440p for me going forward to be honest.

Yeah that would be a good shout if you're not going with G-Sync. I agree the premium over Freesync is extortionate and can be prohibitive enough when looking at a single monitor solution, nevermind x3 lol!
1080p, no thanks. Need a wider FOV, thats essentially just two monitors wide. Thanks for the heads up though

Big mistake dismissing this monitor because of 1080p. I normally wouldn't reccomend 1080p but this monitor literally matches your exact needs in each other area. The 49" would completely cover your peripheral vision and be cheaper than 3 seperate gaming monitors.
hmm triple 1440p @ 144hz? thats the equiv of about 4.5k @ 144hz... You're gonna need more than a vega 64 for that lol.

Game dependant. Also, I've seen lots of YouTubers running iracing 144fps at 1440p on much lesser cards, it's doable on 980ti plenty already doing it. So going by that, Vega64 would smash it, it's a much better card than a 980ti. But If you read the thread properly you'd see I have a 1080ti rig as well which is the one I'll be setting up the Sim racing rig on. :p:D

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I think I've decided what to do. Monitors are seriously overpriced these days. To get 3 of them for racing SIM rig with everything else included and a new Fanatec Podium DD wheel plus rims and pedals already goinvto cost over 2k alone. I'm going to wait and see what the Pimax 8k VR is like, and if reviews are favourable and IQ IS vastly superior to current gen, then I'm going to get one.
I think I've decided what to do. Monitors are seriously overpriced these days. To get 3 of them for racing SIM rig with everything else included and a new Fanatec Podium DD wheel plus rims and pedals already goinvto cost over 2k alone. I'm going to wait and see what the Pimax 8k VR is like, and if reviews are favourable and IQ IS vastly superior to current gen, then I'm going to get one.

The Pimax 8K is still a long way off though, more than a few months at least. As previously mentioned, I don't think you should completely discount the 49" Samsung... if you can at least find one to try, you might be pleasantly surprised.
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