I'm new and i need some memory!!

18 Jun 2006
Hello to everyone at overclockers!!

this is my first post and im seeking some advice so if anyone is able to help/offer their thoughts it'd be mostly appreciated.

currently in the process of building a new pc, the one im currently sat at has served well giving that it cost less than £250 more than 2 years ago and is still going (just about).

however with the need to go faster and faster, and running out of hard drive space, thought it'd make sense to just build new from scratch rather than upgrade bit by bit.

most parts are now sorted, although i'm still debating between an opty 170 or a 4400 dualcore (didnt realise the new intel stuff was on the way out when i ordered my MB)

but anyways

my motherboard is a Asus A8N32 SLI Deluxe
processor is probably going to be of the opteron variety
other parts are, well, various other parts that bare no real relevance to choosing RAM i guess.

So, I want 2gb of DDR - Asus recommends Corsair XMS3500LL for the board, its a bit pricey but by all accounts very good. The timings also seem fairly pleasent.

I was wondering, should I just go for this, or is there something out there that might be better for the money?

Main uses for computer are the general bumbling on the net, a media pc, and using things like photoshop and ACID which at present crucify the 512mb I have.

And why go for 2gb instead of 1gb? Because its only an extra £50ish so it seems silly not to!

ta in advance

oh yeh, i'd like it to be nice stable and reliable as well, not really planning on clocking the RAM or anything unless anyone tells me I really should do. More interested in getting the processor to a tasty speed and keeping it reliable
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Welcome to the forums :D

If the Corsair is too expensive, try the Gskill ZX, its cheaper and just as good.

2Gb is great for new games, BF2 loves it and you may aswell go for it, given the small price difference over 1Gb.
is there not a reason that its more expensive though, other than the fact that its branded corsair? its not to badly priced, lets face it, for a half decent component your going to be paying over 150 anyway so another 20 quid or so wont hurt.

was just wondering if i there was anything else in the same sort of league that has recieved better reviews rather than just plumping for what the manufacturer recommends i should go with
krilleth said:
is there not a reason that its more expensive though, other than the fact that its branded corsair?

Not really, its tested at PC3500 instead of PC3200 that most other brands are rated at, but the GSkill should clock to that anyway.
I've bought some Corsair 2GB DDR XMS3500LL, running it with a 217mhz with 2/3/2/6 timings. I think some people have had the G.Skill 2GB DDR ZX PC3200 upto 208mhz keeping 2/3/2/5 timings - whether you justify laying out another £36 for the 3500LL is another thing, I was abit silly & bought the pro! :rolleyes:
is it not worth the lil extra for the blinky lights then? was considering it until i thought that really is excessive. not to keen on lights and whatnot in my machine but thought the use of it for being able to diagnose issues might be cool
krilleth said:
is it not worth the lil extra for the blinky lights then? was considering it until i thought that really is excessive. not to keen on lights and whatnot in my machine but thought the use of it for being able to diagnose issues might be cool
If you want my advice, I would go for the non-pro version Corsair 2GB DDR XMS3500LL TwinX (2x1GB) CAS2 (MY-107-CS) save your self £20 for the exact same performance o/c potential - I think the Pro stuff is just a gimmick really.
krilleth said:
is it not worth the lil extra for the blinky lights then? was considering it until i thought that really is excessive. not to keen on lights and whatnot in my machine but thought the use of it for being able to diagnose issues might be cool

It just shows memory activity so as a diagnostic tool its kinda pointless.

Id get it because it looks mint (i also like shiny things!)
Id get it because it looks mint (i also like shiny things!)[/QUOTE]
I had the same dilemma on monday,so after some serious thinking i asked myself quickly(do i want the extra flashy bits)- and straight out it was a yes :D
They`re in now,perform great and look snazzy.
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