I'm new too. Looking forward to some advice on a build

19 May 2019
Hello everyone.

I've known about Overclockers for years and didn't realise you had a forum till recently. Of all the things to search for, I was looking for garden advice and a link to this website appeared so I signed up.

On the PC front:

My slowest desktop runs a Xeon 1230v2, 16GB of Ram, 1TB SSD and a relatively wimpy NVidia 750ti which is fine for my limited gaming needs.

I am seriously looking forwards to the Ryzen 3xxx series processors and having a resource like this site is going to really help getting the specifications right.

Obviously, AMD have to release them first, giving me plenty of time to see what is going on in the gardening forum before getting down to planning the build!

Welcome!! The home and garden forum can be a little slow so glad you have interests in hardware :)
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