Im sorry I have to post this.....

11 Mar 2004
Such a moron.... :rolleyes:

Check out the third bullet point, read it all the way through. :eek:

Made me LMAO, what a tool.
(This must be a joke)

Sol :P

(Sry if this is not related to hardware or sumut)

Ahhhhh, have just noticed its a bit joke thing that everyone knows about and i didnt, WHOOPS. I havent made a fool of myself.... lol, bugger :p
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Lol, seen it before. So of you use a graphics card, AMD CPU, play Quake, larger HDD and more memory you are a hacker? Bullcrap.
"I'm scared of hackers because..."

They help Osama Bin Laden 14% :rolleyes:

They smell bad 58% :D :p

They're un-American 5% :rolleyes: :rolleyes: (where's that huuuuge rolleyes when you need it???)

I know it's a windup, but it really wouldn't surprise me if someone actually made a website saying the same things earnestly. Maybe it's the education, maybe it's the inbreeding, but America (especially down South) seems to have an abnormal proportion of nutjobs who take Bush's words as gospel and believe the Bible a little too literally, except the part where it says "Thou shalt not sleep with thy sister" (Actually, I don't know whether it says that, but it should, because it's clearly not good as shown so aptly)
Where does it say its a joke? Dont get me wrong, its certainly laughable - but surely its slanderous in regards to AMD?

edit... just shakes my head at "lunix"
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Flash a hacking software... I don't even find this funny. I think it is more a waste of money keeping it on the Internet.
If i thought for even a second this man was serious. I would track him down .... knock on his door. And proceed to say "You Sir are An Idiot"

What he really should have put is

11) If your son requests a MAC as a replacement to the family PC

If your child suggests this then unfortunalty it is too late. Your son/daughter has been corrupted by mega hackers called "fanboys". These "fanboys" have given your child infomation which may be dangerous to the Health!!! of your family. Your child should be sent to the mental health hospital and should be left there until such time they refuse to use anything with an apple sign. You think this is harsh but I have seen entire families destroyed by the evil "mac"
The funniest part is in the comments sections, where some people have made huge posts discussing the finer points!

I liked the Quake as a training camp! And the grounding as a punishment! Hello - what's the point in grounding a hacker it would have been more appropreate to send him to a party!

Right im off to DOS a few sites, then get my shotgun out after a few bouts of Quake... and if any of you should disagree with that then i shall meet your opposition with.... what was it? oh yeah... 'scorn, bitterness, and even foul language'! :eek: While all the time avoiding anything even closely resembling AOL... oh hang on.... who doesnt?

Lunix is dangerous though! And with a father like this i soon would need to wear a 'pacifier' around my neck (its called a noose), infact Diazipam can help i often find.

But i have no fear from the 'electromagnetic radiation' as i stand at the other side of the room from my PC and just shout continous commands untill it does what i say.... Still find it difficult to even turn on my PC like this, but anything to save my fragile little mind from 'over-exposure to computer radiation which can cause schizophrenia, meningitis and other psychological diseases!'

Good for a chuckle! (im sure many have read this and thought it to be fo' real)
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I thought that was pretty funny. Even funnier though as im going to send a link to my sister who has no clue when it comes to computers and will take it seriously :)

That will teach my Nephews for beating me at Starwars battlefront :P
Popular hacker software includes "Comet Cursor", "Bonzi Buddy" and "Flash".

LMAO, I used ot use comet cursor but not any more, all it does is change your cursor. Bonzi Buddy isnt a hacking tool, its a desktop bloke liek the MS Word help paperclip, if anything that contains spyware, and well, Flash, that speaks for itself.

Was this wrote by an idiot that aint got a clue or summit.
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