I'm still aching!

13 Jan 2004
Got myself a CBR600FX, MOTed it yesterday, will tax it at start of month. After much messing around with small number plate and taking new one back up etc I took a slightly longer, slightly faster way home. In the damp so limited revs to keep me rubber-side down. :D

Woke up today and my thighs ache etc. lol

I'm now a biker again! :D

My mum is not impressed.... she's talking to me again after a while of silent treatment though....
Because of my limited movement in my right arm I have to support myself with my legs and grip the tank so I'm taking weight off.

If I went fast that's easy. I tried racing once like this and apart from braking I was ok.

Edit - also my rebuilt leg was rubbing on the knee of the leathers and it's worn away the skin. That hurt.... So need to something under the leathers.
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Little 25 miles blast out to get re-accustomed to riding a motorbike. It's amazing how different I am now on a road bike and how I slow and am anxious for junctions in case I hit something again. Need to get over that but time will tell. It's good for now. I have the most awkward riding position though because of my arm lol. Need to get a tank bag so I can rest on it and take the weight off my arms when on long roads.

You been down the road in those leathers? :D

Original leathers from 2001. About 16 crashes up to 160mph.... Original boots and gloves from 2001 too. 6 years of racing took its toll lol.
I'm already looking at Wolf kangaroo leathers lol.
I must keep my card in my pocket! But they look so nice... They'll make me a better rider etc... :D lol
Great looking bike, my late father had one circa 2001, I've fond memories of it as a child.

As for your kit, definitely look at getting it replaced mate. You'd be surprised at some of the technology in modern suits and kit now, there's been a massive improvement in the last couple of years alone. Get yourself over to SportsBikeShop in Boston, Lincolnshire for a day, the staff there are great. The offer 0% finance if you decide to buy all kit in one go and want to spread the cost.

Kudos to you for keeping the old kit and more importantly, still fitting in them!

Cheers lol. Ended up buying Wolf Kangaroo leathers. :) Fit like a glove! Bit looser around knee than old leathers but they've had so much repaired and chopped out they're probably tighter.

Why didn't you go for a naked if you've problems with your arm/back/thighs/wrists? Surely the ride would be more enjoyable, if you didn't feel the pain after a couple minutes? Bike looks good and they're smooth, rode the F3 some time ago.

I can't straighten my arm. A naked bike is a more sit up position requiring straight arms to manoeuvre, especially at slow speeds. An R6 would be perfect however i didn't want to be encouraged to go fast.... I'm quite easily led lol.
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