I've built a new PC recently in a Lian Li PC777 case. I had wanted it to be reasonably quiet so went for a quiet CPU cooler and quiet graphics card and now the hard drives (when reading/writing) are the loudest part of the system. Although I like the design of the case and the room it gives internally the mesh panel on the side of the PC777 does nothing to dampen the noise level and I'm considering changing to a P180 as I really need to do something to stop the HD noise as it's annoying me.
The spec I'd be putting in it would be
Seasonic 600W PSU
Gigabyte DS4
Core Duo E6600/Arctic Freezer 7 Pro
IceQ3 X1900XT
5 x HD's. The loud HD's are a Raptor 150GB and a 320GB Seagate 7200.10, obviously the raptor is the louder of the two. The 12cm fan in the PC777 does a good job of keeping the HD's relatively cool.
Can people with a P180 give me their opinions/concerns regarding this case and any issues they'd expect with the hardware I'd be using ?
The spec I'd be putting in it would be
Seasonic 600W PSU
Gigabyte DS4
Core Duo E6600/Arctic Freezer 7 Pro
IceQ3 X1900XT
5 x HD's. The loud HD's are a Raptor 150GB and a 320GB Seagate 7200.10, obviously the raptor is the louder of the two. The 12cm fan in the PC777 does a good job of keeping the HD's relatively cool.
Can people with a P180 give me their opinions/concerns regarding this case and any issues they'd expect with the hardware I'd be using ?