imac help

18 Sep 2008

Having a little trouble with an imac cd rom, wont read any discs just spits them out. Any ideas?

Tried Apple help but cant seem to find a number, filled in one of the online help forms (which only give you 4 options). Clicked on any just so someone reads the form, so now they are sending a new power cord lol. (it wasnt me that filled the online form).

Does anyone have a phone number or a better way of contacting apple technical support. Have a feeling we might be needed to contact them more often soon.
For apple support try on their website!
as for ideas im assuming its showing up in system profiler?
If so it could be dirty Laser or the drive has died.
Which iMac do you have?
This is a problem with the pram and easily fixed. You'll probably have noticed that the start up sound is also missing. I had the exact same problem after booting into windows on bootcamp.

Press and hold Command-Option-P-R while the computer first boots.
Thanks for the replies.

I'm not a Mac person if i am honest and havent actually had the chance to look at the Mac myself. All i know is that it doesnt read and just spits out cds regardless, and its in warranty.

Struggling to find an actual phone number for apple (thats not a premium rate number anyway)
You don't need to phone them.

Reboot your computer and when it first boots, that is before you see the grey screen, press and hold the cmd key, the option key (says alt to the left of the cmd key), the p key and the r key all together. Keep them pressed until you hear the start up chime then let go. Everything will now be working.
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