Imac MAC OS Leopard - Windows Vista

20 May 2004
I have just received a new Imac 2.8Ghz, 1TB HDD, 2 Ghz RAM, Leopard OS

Before I take it out the box and set it up (assuming that partitions need setting etc), I have a few questions.

Firstly, I am totally new to Macs, so appologies if i dont make sense.

I would like to run Win Vista on the system, both from startup (ie on its own) and also from within Leopard OS (Parrallels or VMware).

Firstly, what is the better software out of Parrallels / VMWare?

Also, what partitions will I need to set up? I will be using the Windows element for Office, other Business Apps and for Games and will prob need about 100GB.

From a bit of reading, I gather that I will need to create a new windows partition with Bootcamp to allow windows to boot from startup.

What is needed partitionwise for Parrallels / VMWare? Can they simply access the windows partition already set up in boot camp? Do they run on a mac partition?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

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