iMac Snow Leopard thrashing hard drive - how to troubleshoot?

Man of Honour
15 Nov 2006
Hi guys. Got a bit of a problem with my iMac that I'd appreciate some help with. Not had many problems with this thing so far, so not sure how to proceed!

Basically, despite being an i5 with 4GB of RAM, it's starting to feel a lot slower than my C2D MacBook. The most obvious thing is loading applications, which seems to take an age getting them to a useable state, with frequent beachballing. Once up and running, apps are snappy enough, but while they're starting (and closing for that matter), I can hear the hard drive thrashing constantly (not a click, just a noise I'd associate with constant access that stops as soon as the app is useable).

Are there any steps I can take to try and cure this? I want to upgrade to Lion but am loathe to do it while SL is seemingly having issues, and really don't want to re-install!

Cheers in advance.
Thanks uniQ, that seems to have helped a lot. The verify disk showed up no errors, but the permissions repair threw up lots of corrections. Wondering how it got like that in the first place!?

Steveo, thanks, I checked that before, my drive is a WD unit.
No Boot Camp Partition. I ran the system test at its default settings, a 128MB video file. Came back with a write speed of 70.2MB/s and read of 68.8MB/s
That's about right then.

My 2011 iMac's drive performance drops substantially when I have a BC partition on it... Haven't quite got to the bottom of it yet.
When the hard drive is thrashing open Activity Monitor click on the System Memory tab at the bottom and take a look at Page Outs. If your RAM gets used up it starts to page out inactive memory to the hard drive which is much slower than RAM and could cause these symptoms.
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