iMac to Logitech Z-5500 via Optical

Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004
Hi all

Is this even possible? Does anyone know exactly what kind of cable I would need for this

I've found a TOSLink to Mini Optical, but someone said this wasn't right

Couldn't see anything on the Apple store, and I'm not even entirely sure the iMac supports an optical connection

Cheers guys
Are the connectors on the Z-5500 3 mini jacks? If so you could buy the Logitech 5.1 Games Console adaptor and then a phono to mini jack lead?

Looks like this -

I did want to use optical though, so I could still keep my PC plugged into the Z5500's

On the tech specs for the iMac it says about having digital optical audio in/out so I assume it can be done
Should be a toslink>minijack converter in the back of the output of the imac, to the optical in of the Logitech, then you might have to do some fiddling in OSX sound preferences to enable the optical out.
A TOSLINK to mini-optical cable is exactly what you need. If you can't get that, a plain TOSLINK to TOSLINK cable with a mini-optical adapter on one end is the same.

I use it between my MacBook and DAC (only stereo, mind)
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