
19 Jan 2009
whats so good about them?

I was thinking of getting one for all my design work, but I dont see why I would need one... I can just use my PC
If you don't need one then don't get one.

Otherwise you could read the previous threads here asking the same question or search the internet for reviews, or go to a store and try one out.

The short answer I guess is you can use OS X and they look good. So the question is what's good about OS X. Read reviews, watch videos, go to a store...
They are good because of the all-in-one nature of the computer, the OS & software is designed to been unobtrusive and they are generally pretty quick.

...doesn't hurt that they're good to look at either ;)
There's no need to get one unless you want one. Design work can be done perfectly well on PCs these days - indeed, Adobe Photoshop CS4 64-bit is only available on the PC :)
It sounds like you are right in the fact you do not need one. People get them because they want one, they would rather have something which looks good and is small and a tidy solution to having a pc. Also you have a nice bonus of using OSX.

Avoid currently as the prices have recently gone up and for not much of a spec boost, and sounds like you want an excuse to spend £1k+ unless its really burning a hole in your pocket.
What kind of design work do you do? Are you freelance? Are you a design student? Are you planning on joining an agency or studio in the near future (next few years)?

Unless you're freelancing, in which case you won't have regular contact with other designers, I would highly recommend being fluent with a Mac and OSX. I'm not saying buy one just because everyone else does but I am saying that you should at least know your way around one. It's called 'industry standard' for a reason.

If you work in Adobe Creative Suite I wouldn't worry too much about your understanding of OSX. If you know it in Windows it will take you all of 20 seconds to know it in OSX given some level of aptitude. I use Photoshop in both environments all the time and swap out the CTRL button for the Apple CMD button and you're 90% there already!

There is nothing fundamentally better about using OSX for design work other than it's more widely used within the creative industry. Once you're actually using the program you may aswell forget what OS it's running in (Providing it's a cross platform program of course).
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