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23 Sep 2005
I'm thinking about getting an iMac 24" - played with one in John Lewis yesterday and I'm very impressed!

I think it was this one (but I think this is the old model?). My budget is £1000 (or a very little bit over). Will use it for a mixture of Photoshop, games (nothing too demanding), Visual Studio (via dual boot or whatever) and making music.

I think the comparable "new" model is £1199? Any discounts available on this? Thanks!!
How is the HD2600 for gaming? (I'd probably play via Windows, maybe Fallout 3 etc).

I'm not a student anymore unfortunately :(
like that stopped me :D

How does that work then? Do I need to provide student ID? I tried the "student" section on the apple online store, but I need to connect from a university network!

Also how would the 9400M in the base 24" model be for gaming? (fallout 3 for example)?

Or would the GT120 be better? (although I think that is only an upgrade on the next model up?)
jamief - Check your trust email.

Thanks for that, much appreciated!

I think I'm gonna go for the base 24" model - I've already got a PS3, Windows laptop and 360, so I think games are covered!

The 2.66Ghz, 4Gb RAM model would be fine for my needs - I've got 1Tb+ of external storage as well, so I'm covered on that front.
I would say get an iMac with a graphics chip better than the 9400m. IMO it's not veru good at all... Hopefully you got the GT120! :)

Actually I won't be using it for games at all- have a 360 and PS3 for that! The GT120 is only available on the next model up and I didn't think it was he extra £300 for that model!
I hope you see how ridiculous that sounds.

Not that I care about anything apple related.


Imagine, if you will, that it was Tesco who gave the discount; each time you do a weekly shop, they ask you at the checkout if you are a student, and if you say yes, they knock 15% off your shopping. They don't do any checks. Of course you are going to say yes; denying it simply exposes your hypocrisy.

If, instead of that, Tesco asked to see a valid I.D. - then you would say no, as would 99.9% of people.

Switch Apple with Tesco and weekly shop with iMac and it is still the same situation.
OF course I would I am a student :p :rolleyes:

Since when did it become ok to abuse something by lying because there aren't enough checks. you can extend that line of thinking to anything really


I'm not saying it is ethically correct, but everyone would do it if it was happening in Tesco. The people who seem to have an issue are those who

a) have already bought a Mac
b) aren't buying a Mac
c) want a discount!
Well I don't want them to pull the HE discount because you abused it. Just thinking about my fellow students.

Of course they won't pull it.

They may (correctly) start requiring people to provide I.D. before ordering, but they certainly aren't going to cancel the entire H.E./F.E. discount program.
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