Image Manipulation peeps - please help me out

23 Feb 2006
Hi Folks,
I have a few questions about manipulating photos etc. I was wondering which programs you use to manipulate images? which is better paintshop pro or photoshop?

also could someone please manipulate this image for me?

I would like a glow added to the person in image 2, so he glows like gandalf in image 1 (when he first appears in Lord of the Rings, the two towers.

Gandalf (image 1)
Person (image 2

I haven't got a clue how to do it! :confused:

many thanks for any help
It's the background light effect that causes that in the original picture. Here are a couple of my tries.


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Yes, I used Photoshop. I can't remember what I did exactly though.

There are lots of ways of doing it though. ;)
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