Images of items I have purchased.

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1 Dec 2011


Using it with XBMC! It's perfect!
Did you do it to help the community, or because you love the idea of having a thread with thousands of posts? :D
Ohhh god is this going to be like the monthly thing now of members itching to start new threads because the other is too long?
How much was that? You do fat to much grovelling.

Know any decent traveling forums. Where you can ask pretty much anything from normal to obscure.
Know any decent traveling forums. Where you can ask pretty much anything from normal to obscure.

I mostly use /r/travel on reddit plus /r/bicycletouring for the stuff relevant to that. WikiVoyage is pretty good for obscure places. Aside from that me and a mate are both into obscure travel so we chat a lot about what we've stumbled upon.
Can't stand the layout of reddit, makes it so hard to use.

For those asking in the other thread, before it got deleted.
The super hydrophobic spray was £24 and it works, trainers are finally coated and dry and it works, water just rolls straight off shower gel' tolls of at a slower rate.
The big question is how long does it last, at that price you can't keep revolting. Hopefully we'll get some uk suppliers and it'll fall in price
I don't think you can put XBMC on that, if you want to do that, there are some Android boxes that runs XBMC out of the box.
All I am looking for is a reasonably priced unit that will allow me to watch my videos from my PC using a nice graphical interface and metadata like XBMC or Mediaportal.
If I bought one of those and put XBMC on it, how could I get it to play videos off one of my PC hard drives?

Also, is it difficult to put XBMC on it?

I have XBMC running on my pc, using the WD TV to connect through wifi, everything plays flawlessly in HD.
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