** Imagine if your watercooling pump was only a little bit bigger than a £2 coin... **



8 Aug 2007


more details to follow a little later today ;)
that's it!

its certainly not going to be a D5 killer but it will make SFF builds a load tidier
This looks very interesting.
I have a Shuttle build comming up and was toying with doing some water cooling in it... this might make it more practical.
watercooling sff is a real possibility.

no other tops announced yet but Alphacool seem to be taking the new pump design up

from the look of the res, it looks like it can take a second pump - is this for higher flow speed? or dual loops?
possibly higher flow rates/increased head pressure, unsure yet

I am still getting basic info from the manufacturer.
Well, this hit at the right time! If a tube res top appears and this is relatively cheap, I'll get one for my FT03 build :)
Very intresting...
looks like the back of that res can be removed and attach to something else...

Played with two cmag pumps a few years ago (remember them) but these are even smaller. Hmmmmm, Price?
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