Imaging Software

5 Oct 2005
Hey All,

Looking for pricing for a deployment licence for disk imaging software, I cant find any information, do they charge per licence? or do you get a site licence? I'm looking at Acronis and Paragon at the moment, but can't find any information anywhere!!!

Please help :)

As with most things you can either license per machine or per site.

So say you have 500 machines, find out the price for 500 machines and see how it would compare to a site license. For relatively small numbers it's usually cheaper to buy licenses for the number o fmachines you will be managing.

I'd also recommend Ghost Solution Suite, put it in and used it at a couple of places and it does the job nicely for what I needed to do :)
We used cerberus networks for our acronis software

Prices vary wildly as do discounts

For 100 workstation licenses was about 20 each
Server version are about 300+ each :(
From memory our Ghost stuff was approx £10 or £12 per machine based on 500, the more you license the cheaper it is per machine.

I use Softcat for most things.
Microsoft SCCM

Would be good, and you get a while lot more than an imaging system.

Downsides are it'd cost a bit more, and more complex to setup, but worth it for the extra features over a standard imaging system.

I only use Ghost over SCCM for imaging as it's quicker and easier, and was already licensed here (but not setup properly).
the microsoft imaginging software is coming on in leaps and bounds and the WIM files they provide are really useful for win 7 and vista solutions.

Other than that ghost is the winner really and we found that a site license worked out better even though we only had a small number of clients it was the server license costs that pushed it up for us
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