IMAP Server Software

7 Nov 2002
Over there
Panning off from my post in MacOS forum , I have now realised that in order for it to work how I want, i am going to need to need an IMAP server sitting on my home server to serve the 2 client machines emails.

I am looking into getting Exchange 2003, but I would assume that its going to be a full blown complicated to configure setup procedure. So does anyone know of (preferably free) any IMAP Servers that I can install on Windows 2000 Server that will do what I want?


MS site says that Exchange 2003 works with Win2k Server as long as you have SP4.

Im gonna try that PMAIL thing, ive also found another one if PMAIL doesnt work out called Imail.

Thanks Crashuk - will let you know of the results :D
OK I havent looked at Pmail yet. I have been fiddling with this IMail software which is an IMAP Server.

I installed it on my server - but its not what I want - completely.

I am using hosting from a company that provides me with POP3 e-mails. I need to be able to download them into my IMAP server. Running an IMAP server on my server alone isnt going to work cause all that does is handles mail coming DIRECTLY to the computer its installed on. My domain name goes to my web hosting box - not to my home box - so IMail isnt going to work.

Is Pmail going to be the same kind of thing?

Does anyone know of ANY way I can download emails from my 1 POP3 account at my webhosting, onto my server, and then access them emails through an IMAP Server from my 2 other machines?

Im getting worried its not possible. Leaving the emails on my hosting space is not an option at all.
Sweet jesus mother of god - finally ive sorted it.

After an hour or so of messing around in Thunderbird on Win and Mac, ive got them seeing the same message box. Case closed!
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