Impact of home grown players rule on teams

The home grown rule is that they must have been here for 3 years before they reach 21 years of age, so have in effect been trained up in England or Wales in football.

Final squads must be named by 5pm 1st September
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People are getting confused here, its not that you have been here for 3 years, its that you have been here for 3 years BEFORE you are 21, so no, Diaby wouldn't count as home grown.
Well they said in another of their articles that they have to be "registered" between the age of 16 to 21 and then at the club for 3 years. It didnt say anything about the 3 years having to be during the ages of 16 to 21. Might have just read it wrong though. ;)

- Home-grown players do not have to be English; home-grown players are defined as those who "irrespective of nationality or age, have been affiliated to the FA or Welsh FA for a period of three seasons or 36 months prior to 21st birthday"

Yeah that's the key part, they must have been registered in England or Wales for 3 full years before they turn 21. So if you buy someone at 20 , they don't become home grown at 23 because that's not 3 years before turning 21. It's one of the ironies of the system that England international Owen hargreaves actually doesn't count as home grown :)
This won't be a problem for Chelsea especially with Ballack & Deco leaving and possibly Carvalho & Ferriera.
At least 5 of our 'home grown' kids will be in the squad this year, probably Kakuta, Bruma, van Aanholt, Hutchinson + A.N. Other and they're good enough.
So that 5 plus, Turnbull, Cole, Terry, Lampard, Sturridge and 15 more is no worry :)

Kakuta isnt home grown though surely? I thought Chelsea only bought him last year?

EDIT : Ah wait no..hang on, he came up to the senior squad last year didnt he, was there before hand. No probs then , my bad :)
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