Impale's Frag Video! (Call Of Duty)

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1. that music sucks for them kind of videos, actually the song sucks period
2. if i were to make a video about me being good at cod, id check im actually good 1st
3. no offense mate but public kills mean nothing
4. cod rifle only was silly, rifles V MG's , that was were the skill was
5. in my day i was way better than than

no offense mate, im not attacking you or anything
If on CoD I'm anywhere near as good as I am on CSS, I'd kick some serious ass.

Some of those shots looked like really laggy aimbot shots. :p
AMDX23800+ said:
LOL, I owned man ! :p

Eliot, why dont u play cod anymore :(
well i used to be in a aweosme rifle clan, but then people started leaving at it folded, somepeople kept played but i couldnt be bother cos all the other rifle clan where tripe, but that video made me play again today, and im not as good as i used to be, lol
one of the guys i know was no1 basher in cod
I love these threads. Someone posts a video and eventually you get the "I'm way better then you" or "I was better in my day" people.

I knocked an elephant out once, one punch.
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