*** Important: No discussion about Korean or Import monitors ***

Man of Honour
12 Jan 2003
After numerous problems over the last few months, the OcUK moderating team have decided that no talk or discussion about Korean or other import monitors will be allowed on the OcUK forums

This decision wasn't taken lightly, and while we are always keen to promote open discussion, there have been too many cases where such threads result in competitor and pricing discussion, and so do not meet the rules of these forums.

Some threads have been allowed in the past, but because of this problem will no longer be permitted. Please do not post threads about Korean models from the likes of Yamkasi, Catleap, Achieva, QNIX etc or other import monitors as they will be removed.

Offenders trying to bypass these rules will be in trouble, you've been warned :)

I appreciate that this may not be a popular decision to some, but trust that everyone can understand the reasons for making this change and respect the rules of the forum.
we're going to have to cut out all discussion of those similar models I'm afraid, as they always lead to pricing discussion and places like eBay being brought up. there's not actually very frequent discussion of them thankfully so i dont see it being a massive change
It's the import models which are generally available from eBay but not from main retailers. So models from the likes of Yamakasi, achieva etc as mentioned in the first post
Is that supposed to be aimed at me? Re-read the first post. I'm posting on behalf of the mod team here. Plus insults directed at a moderator are never wise if you wish to keep an account here
Wow chill man, it was a compliment not an insult.

Banning a whole topic is quite extreme but im guessing the amount of resource needed to constantly monitor/police those types of threads is also rather high so it makes sense when they break the TOS so regularly. Has to be done.

No need to pop at me, i wasnt trolling. :)

no worries, you'll note i didn't immediately suspend you as i thought it maybe just didnt come across as intended. fine to call me a baddass, not fine to call me an ass ;)

to be fair, we don't really have many threads about those particular models on here, but when they do crop up, they always end up being about price and competitor talk sneaks in, so the mod team and the shop decided it was better to just disallow them to avoid messing around.
Rules are rules I'm afraid. They've only been put in place because those discussions always turn to problems and believe it or not the mods do have other things to do with their lives too :)

We will use our discretion of course so the 4k discussion is ok at the moment as long as it doesn't get in to dodgy territory or talking about competitors. This rule is more about the huge range of 27 - 30" models widely available
Where is the line drawn? As this is effectively banning the talk of any products that OcUK doesn't sell on the assumption that people don't look around anyway.

Are we not allowed to mention products that OcUK usually sells but don't currently have in stock on the basis that any recommendation to purchase such product would mean ordering from somewhere other than here?

it's just the Korean branded monitors as mentioned in this thread that aren't allowed. if people start talking about other screens OcUK dont sell, that leads to regular competitor or pricing talk, those will end up being banned too. we havent reached that stage though, and i'd hope the members use their common sense to avoid that being necessary
No the rule doesn't apply to Samsung monitors. As long as people don't start breaking the rules all the time when discussing them then it should remain that way :)
It's only a ban on Korean model discussion which is a very small and niche part of the market. You can still talk about other manufacturers within the confines of the overall forum rules no worries :)
That's contradictory. The fact you haven't heard from them earlier is in itself the proof that the ban has indeed been successful in decreasing the visibility of the Korean models. Although, that wasn't the purpose of the ban, but more of a side-effect. Before the ban, the threads quite often spiraled into discussion of these models, and with the discussion also came the competitor links, which in turn needed mod intervention. And the links came drastically more often than with other products. After they banned the discussion of the Koren models, the competitor links have since become quite random.

spot on :)
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