Importing goods into the UK? Someone with some knowledge please! :P

4 Jun 2005
I read the sticky at the top and looking at the HMCE site, which is a tad confusing and intentionally over detailed.

I've only imported a few times but this is what I know so far:

- On everything entered into the UK it will be subject to 17.5% VAT (:() unless you are VAT registered. If I get the goods sent through DHL/Royal Mail, etc they will charge me some fees too.
- There will be a customs duty (if over £18), im not paying £250 to find out so I use a site I found which seems to say they will charge me 0%.

If I import X goods at a cost of £1100 (including shipping charges, etc) then they enter the UK. Assume there is no custom duty, I still have to pay VAT yeah? + What other charges or processes may I have to go through?

I want to import some goods say monthly or every few months to my home address, they are legit goods.

I always get information overload when looking at government stuff -.-

All help is appreciated.
well I assume your shipping from the us?

In generall cases it'll be

(((cost + shipping fee) + your duty) + 17.5% vat) + fee for paying the duty/tax for you

Would help if we new what things you where importing...
If your importing every several moths it would probably be cheaper to phone up a specialist importer and get a bussines discount on shipping.
Depends which courier you use

I used to import a lot from Asia - at the time I was not VAT registered , and then DHL allowed swap invoices eg. invoice for leaving Asia for full amount , invoice for much cheaper price to avoid Tax/Duty - although not too legal.
whoops wrong button! The above looks like what you are looking for. Last time I came thro' Customs from Canada I had 3 cases, new computer on top of them & 2 carrier bags full of booze & I wasn't stopped, they just looked at me struggling with this heap of gear
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